Support My Squad Stats

My Squad Stats is a free service that provides statistics for the game Squad. If you enjoy using the service and would like to support the project, you can do so by donating. Donations help cover the costs of running the service and are greatly appreciated.

There are currently 3 Ways to Support the Project:
1. Donate via PayPal
2. Become a Discord Subscriber
3. Boost our Discord Server

MySquadStats Supporters will receive:
1. Special Role in the My Squad Stats Discord Server
2. Access to the Supporters Channel in the My Squad Stats Discord Server
3. Access to the Wounds Feed on Player Stats Pages
Plus more benefits to come!

Donate via PayPal Become a Discord Subscriber Boost our Discord Server

If Donating via PayPal, send a copy of your Donation Receipt to @psg_ignis in Discord to receive your benefits.